
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



Switching labs!

less than 1 minute read


At around this time I switched labs. I am getting a masters with Yigit, and now moving to working with Cindy Grimm and Ravi Balasubramanian on robot hands.

Starting Grad School!

less than 1 minute read


I started grad school at around this time doing soft robotics work (3d printing) with Yigit Menguc.





Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurement Systems

Undergraduate course, Oregon State University; Mechanical, Industrial, Manufacturing Engineering Department, 2018

Class Topic

This class covers the introduction to using and developing sensor systems. Students attend lectures and take quizzes on the material. There is also a significant lab portion, where students get hands on experience working with sensors and collecting real data. This course utilizes Arduino UNOs, and so the course also teaches students how to use and code basic arduino functions.

Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurement Systems

Undergraduate course, Oregon State University; Mechanical, Industrial, Manufacturing Engineering Department, 2022

Class Topic

This class covers the introduction to using and developing sensor systems. Students attend lectures and take quizzes on the material. There is also a significant lab portion, where students get hands on experience working with sensors and collecting real data. This course utilizes Arduino UNOs, and so the course also teaches students how to use and code basic arduino functions.